The payments & fintech innovation advisory firm

Our deep understanding of the European financial landscape—with a strategic focus on Cyprus, Lithuania and the Netherlands—enable us to provide customized innovative solutions to each of our clients, from fintech startups looking to enter the European market to established financial institutions wanting to expand their offerings.

aml/ctf guidance

Our team’s expert knowledge of the risks and opportunities of emerging markets, trends and regulations guide you through the expansion of your risk policies.

fintech integration

Our fintech platform development and integration services help you build scalable and secure solutions, integrate payment products and establish enduring partnerships.

compliance & regtech

Our compliance assessment and training programs equip your teams with the knowledge, skills and tools in today’s ever-changing regulatory environment.

Our Services

Our consulting company is a leading provider of expert-led services to European fintechs and banks. Our comprehensive knowledge of the European financial landscape (with an acute focus on Cyprus, Lithuanian and the Netherlands) and the latest developments in fintech and regulatory technology provide our clients with a competitive and strategic advantage when looking to enter the EU market and expand their offering globally.

We offer a range of services that include go-to-market strategies, platform development and integration, and regulatory compliance training. Our strategic planning services help clients develop long-term plans for growth and success in the ever-changing world of financial services and technology. By leveraging our expertise and experience in the European financial markets, we help clients identify opportunities, mitigate risks and develop winning strategies that drive growth and maximize value.

Compliance + risk

We assist you in expanding your risk policy to include emergent technology and offerings: 

➤ Expanding AML/CTF risk policy to include fintech products and offerings

➤ Assist you in advanced and forward-looking training for your Go-To-Market and Compliance team.

➤ Enterprise risk mitigation, remediation and assessment

RegTech implementation

We work with you to identify the right tools and technology to fit your compliance and regulatory needs:

➤ RegTech market offerings

➤ Regulatory developments monitoring

➤ Market abuse and risk surveillance

➤ Transaction reporting process optimization

Vendor + partnerships

We assist you in vetting vendors, optimizing operational set-up and solidifying partnership terms structures:

➤ Operating model selection

➤ Competitive RFP evaluations

➤ Vendor and partner selection

➤ Cost and contract optimization

Product roadmap

We collaborate with you to map out a growth-focused approach for building your fintech product offering:

➤ Voice of the customer analysis

➤ Voice of the industry analysis

➤ Trends and product innovation analysis

➤ Detailed product planning and launch strategy

Market entry + expansion

We equip you with the knowledge and strategy required to enter or expand within Europe successfully:

➤ Market dynamics

➤ Competitive landscape

➤ Regulatory landscape

➤ Key risk factors and mitigation options

Some great clients we work with

Our Team

Faisal I.

Lead AML Compliance & Risk Management Specialist

Faisal has over 20 years working collaboratively with cutting edge financial services providers alongside chief compliance officers and executive leadership to optimize their FinCrime, AML/CTF and RegTech programs. He assists Product, Innovation and GTM teams to develop advanced AML processes and technologies for PSPs, EMIs, VASPs and bank clients. He works with client management and compliance teams to ensure that the compliance program requirements are being met through continuous product iteration, training and development. Since 2017, Faisal has been a continuous instructor at ACAMS and has instructed ACAMS certificates and CAMS certifications. He has also co-written the AML cryptocurrency CCAS, CAFCA and virtual currency certificates.

Marina L.

AML Compliance & Risk Management Solutions Specialist

Marina is a AML Compliance and Risk Management solutions specialist with 10+ years experience in the MSB, payments, crypto and fintech space. In her role as an executive compliance officer and a compliance advisory consultant, she has worked with financial services companies and banks in North America and Europe to build robust AML compliance and risk frameworks. Her expertise is focused on optimizing the operational efficiency of day-to-day compliance monitoring activities and developing sophisticated risk assessment tools.

Ąžuolas S.

Compliance & Risk Management Specialist

Ąžuolas is a financial regulatory, compliance and anti-money laundering specialist in the crypto and fintech space. He has worked as an MLRO and compliance officer for fintech startups and for global cryptocurrency exchanges. He specializes in building FinCrime, AML/CTF and fraud management programs for ICO projects, new crypto and fintech entrants and established financial institutions looking to fortify their compliance policies and training.

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Paradyne Fintech